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About Registration for VQAS
General Registration
- Assessment registration must be completed online with a credit card payment.
- Be aware that you must have a passing score recorded in our database on the Written Assessment before you are eligible to register for the Performance Assessment.
- Be aware that you cannot take the Written and Performance Assessments on the same day, and we do not offer the Written and Performance Assessments on consecutive days
- If there are no assessment slots displayed, it likely means that all the posted assessment slots are full, and you should check back at the end of the month to view future available slots.
Online Registration
- Be aware that we do not accept mail-in registrations or payment by check, cash, or money order
- Do use the email address that VDDHH has on record for you in order to register
- The online registration system will only display the assessment slots that you are eligible for according to our records. If you do not see any assessment slots displayed, it means either that all of the posted slots are full, or that you are not eligible. Please contact if you feel there has been an eligibility error.
- If you have never taken and passed the Written Assessment, then you are not eligible for the Performance Assessment
- If you passed the Written Assessment more than 3 years ago, and did not take the Performance Assessment and earn a Screening Level during those 3 years, then you are no longer eligible to take the Performance and you must take the Written Assessment again.
- If you were awarded a Screening Level more than 3 years ago and that Level has expired, then you are no longer eligible to take the Performance and you must take the Written Assessment again.
- The registration system will not allow you to register for a Performance Assessment slot that occurs after your most recent Level expires, so be sure to register well in advance of your Level expiration date (we suggest 120 days in advance)
- Candidate must wait a minimum of 6 months between Performance Assessment sessions.
The VQAS Schedule
- Generally, the Written Assessment is offered once per month.
- VQAS assessments are not available on weekends.
- Generally, VQAS assessments are held at our Richmond office.
Confirmation of Test Date
- Do look for an email confirming your payment transaction, and an email which confirms the time and day of your assessment session. Do contact us if you do not receive these emails within 2 business days of your registration attempt.
- VDDHH is not responsible for reminding candidates of their Screening Level expiration date or their assessment session appointment. Please be sure to note these dates for yourself.
- Do give us five working days notice if you need to cancel a scheduled assessment. That means if you are scheduled for a Saturday Performance Assessment, you need to cancel by 8:15 a.m. on Monday.
- Do remember that if you do not give 5 working days notice if you need to cancel, you may forfeit your registration fee and be required to register again. There may be some exceptions but they are rare and require documentation (i.e. a doctor’s note).
- Do commit to an appointment date and time and honor that commitment. There is a high demand for VQAS Assessment slots and, if you schedule a slot and then cancel it, you may be keeping someone else from testing in a timely manner.
- VDDHH does not provide refunds of assessment fees. In some cases, assessment fees may be held for use at a later date.
Scheduling or Re-Scheduling an Assessment Date
- The registration system will display any Assessment slots that you are eligible for. If there are no slots displayed, then it is likely all current slots are full and you should check back later in the month to see newly posted slots.
- If you need to postpone your Assessment session, you must contact VDDHH at least 5 business days in advance, and your fee will be manually applied to a new testing date.
- Last minute cancellations are accepted for emergencies only, on a case by case basis, and if accepted then your fee will be manually applied to a new testing date.
- Candidates who are “no call/no show” forfeit their testing fee.
- VDDHH does not give fee refunds.
Expiration Dates
- Do remember that all VQAS levels are good for three years from the date of award.
- Do not expect VDDHH to alert you when your Screening Level is going to expire.
- Expiration dates for Screening Levels are clearly noted on the card you receive with your results package.
- Do remember that your VQAS Written Assessment is valid for 3 years or as long as you maintain a Screening Level on the Performance Assessment.
- If your Screening Level expires, you will need to retake the Written Assessment before you can take the Performance Assessment again. For this reason, VDDHH recommends that all candidates schedule their Performance Assessment retake at least 120 days PRIOR to their Level expiration date to allow for processing of results.
Processing Times for Results
- Do remember that results from a Performance Assessment take up to 90 working days to be processed.
- Do check the paper you were given on your assessment day to see what your 90 working day date is before you call VDDHH to check on the status of your results. If that date is still more than a week away, please do not call. We know you are eager to receive your results and we are working hard to ensure that you get them well before the 90 working day date.
Screening Level Results and Diagnostics
- Written Assessment results are generally emailed to candidates within 5 business days of the testing session.
- Performance Assessment results are due to candidates 90 business days (approximately 4 calendar months) after the screening session. Hard copies of assessment results, including a laminated card, are available by request.
- Diagnostic Reports may be delivered at the same time as Screening Level results, but more often than not they are delivered later by separate email.
- Do read all of the VQAS Policy Statements posted on this website and provided with your results letter. These are the policies that guide the program. These policies have been developed to ensure that VQAS is a valid and reliable program.
- Do ask questions about the policies if you do not understand them.
- Do know that the policies are strictly enforced. Exceptions are possible but not common.
- Do check the VQAS Policy Statements for changes and updates periodically.